The result of no process is chaos, but the result of too much process is waste. 没有过程的结果是混乱的,但是过多的过程是种浪费。
Either way, you should identify the parts of the process that waste time. 不管计算是什么,您都应该标识出浪费时间的进程部分。
To research the regeneration process for waste marine lube oils, it was regenerated that according to the quality of waste oil only using white clay. 对船用废润滑油进行了再生工艺研究,仅用白土处理,即可使劣化程度不同的废油得到再生,再生效果较好。
The Micro Electrolysis-Electrolysis Filtration-ABR-AF& Aerobic Oxygen to Process Medicine Waste Water 微电解-电解过滤-ABR-AF兼氧好氧法处理医药废水
The facility should have a process waste water discharge permit. 受核工厂须领有加工厂废水排放许可证。
Scientists and government officials say many sewage plants were built to process waste before it hits the reservoir, but that some aren't connected to city drains. 科学家和政府官员声称,该地区有许多污水处理厂,污水在排入水库前会先经过处理,但实际上一些污水处理厂并未与城市排污系统相连。
Therefore, it is important to choose an equipment to process waste water and to make discharged waste water meet the national standard. 因此,污水排放能否达到国家标准,选用一种好的污水处理设备至关重要。
Optimization of alcohol extraction technology in Nephrolepis Cordifolia by orthogonal design Recover Process of Waste Solution N-Butanol from Producing of 1,4-Butanediol 正交试验优选肾蕨中红杉醇的醇提工艺1,4-丁二醇副产正丁醇废液的回收
The copper recovery process from waste circuit boards has higher efficiency of copper recovery, no waste gas emission and waste liquid discharge. 试验设计了一个从废电脑线路板中回收金属铜的“浸出萃取电积”闭路循环工艺。
This paper describes the chlorination process of waste tungsten carbide powder. 本文对废碳化钨粉的氯化反应进行了实验研究。
The total system reform process of waste water treatment from a chemical fiber factory was introduced. 本文介绍了某化纤厂对全厂废水处理系统进行工艺改进的情况。
The combustion process of waste is analysed in this paper, and volatile devolatilization time for a waste incineration is calculated, and some result is presented for refference. 本文分析了垃圾的焚烧过程,对某型垃圾焚烧炉挥发分析出时间进行了计算,以供参。
Research on the degradation of cationic surfactant CTAB by Fenton process in waste water 废水中十六烷基三甲基溴化铵的Fenton氧化降解
A treatment process for waste gas from dimethyl disulfide ( DMDS) production was studied. 研究了二甲基二硫醚(DMDS)废气的处理技术。
Dynamic Model of Temperature in Oxidation Process of Waste Mixed Copper in Reverberatory Furnace 废杂铜反射炉氧化过程炉膛温度动态模型
The recovery process necessitates waste stream segregation if water and chemical reuse are to offset capital and operational costs. 假如水和化学品回用可使投资和操作费得到补偿,则回收过程需要将废液流分开。
Direct Determination of Mercury in Cutting Fluid and Machining Process Waste Fluid 切削液和机床排泄物中汞的测定-直接测汞法
Recover Process of Waste Solution N-Butanol from Producing of 1,4-Butanediol 1,4-丁二醇副产正丁醇废液的回收
Based on the research of the regeneration process of waste oil from home and abroad, this study pointed the trend of regeneration techniques of waste lubricating oil. 文章在对当前国内外污染废油再生工艺分析研究的基础上,提出了我国污染废润滑油再生处理关键技术的研究趋势。
And the process of waste water drainage and the technical condition are proposed on the experiment. 并在试验的基础上,提出了处理公司外排废水工艺流程和技术条件。
Experiment on treatment process of waste drilling mud with high concentration 高浓度钻井废泥浆处理工艺的试验研究
Determination of Nitrite in Oil-based Cutting Fluid and Machining Process Waste Fluid by Ion Chromatography 离子色谱法测定油基切削液和机床排泄物中亚硝酸根
Lu Qi Furnace Gas Production process waste water purification 鲁齐炉煤气生产过程中的废水净化
Based on the idea of closed loop recycle, the framework of process waste minimization is built, combining qualitative methods with quantitative method. 以工艺闭路循环思想为核心,结合现有的定性化方法和定量化方法,建立了过程废物最小化的集成框架;
The existing researches focus on the study of strategy and qualitative methods, while cognition to the essence and evolution of process waste are often ignored, which make it difficult to determine the practical project of WM. 建立了过程废物最小化集成框架:现有的研究主要集中于策略研究和定性化方法,对过程废物的实质和演变缺乏认识,未能给出可操作的废物最小化方案。
Through the method of physics grind, we process the waste rock flour again. 采用物理研磨的方法,对废弃石粉进行了再加工处理。
It discusses the basic reaction process of waste plastics in BF and the investigative progress in China. 论述了废塑料在高炉内的基本反应过程和国内研究的进展情况;
The waste water from CLT acid eduction, which contains 94% of the total COD amount in the process waste water, is the main source of the waste water discharged from the production of CLT acid. CLT酸酸析废水是CLT酸生产中排放废水的主要来源,其COD排放量占工艺废水COD总排放量的94%。
The wet FGD process with waste marble was studied experimentally, and the mass transfer reaction mechanism was analyzed. 实验研究了废大理石粉作为脱硫剂的湿法烟气脱硫工艺,分析了其吸收SO2的传质反应机理。
Process Dimension, Process Waste and Proces Ability 工序尺寸、工序废品与工序能力